M&A, Business Models, platforms and ecosystems in the software industry

Automating the Deal

Automating the Deal:

How Disruptive Tools Are Transforming M&A Forever

Automating the Deal:
How Disruptive Tools Are Transforming M&A Forever

OUT NOW: Disruptive tool scenarios pave your way to digital M&A processes

M&A practitioners need solutions for the automation of M&A processes:

  • Selected tools allow disruptive ways to digitize individual tasks

  • Disruptive scenarios create value with state-of-the-art technologies and hidden data sources

How you best leverage disruptive tools for the M&A process shows the new book presented here.

All in one book for merger automation

Tool Scenarios for all phases of M&A

M&A Strategy, Due Diligence, Merger integration

ISBN 9783769378771

Chapters of the book

This book covers the three phases of the M&A process, M&A Strategy, Due Diligence, Merger integration. For each of the phases, two disruptive scenarios with innovative tools show which crazy levels of automation are already possible today.

You will learn how you can automatically analyze supply chains and customer relationships of target companies across multiple tiers without any contact to the target.

You will experience how patent information can be leveraged in all phases of the M&A process to find companies, to valuate companies and to do IP integration.

In addition, the book contains an excerpt of the M&A reference model for all three phases. The M&A Reference Model is the prerequisite for the end-to-end automation of the M&A process.

But automation does not stop there, upcoming books will cover additional phases of the process and will cover the available tools, too.

The book will be available with the ISBN 9783769378771.

Everything in one book for the digitalization of M&A

A new, fresh approach to target search leveraging supply chain and patent data.

M&A strategy, due diligence and valuation reach new levels of automation.

Merger integration becomes more automated.

Best practices based on many acquisitions.

ISBN 9783769378771

About the editor

Dr. Karl Michael Popp is a retired member of the Corporate Development and Strategy Team in the Office of the CEO at SAP SE in Germany. He now works as senior advisor for Lincoln International. In his twenty-five year career at large and small software companies, he has worked on over 50 strategic partnerships and over 50 acquisitions and successful merger integrations. Karl is a speaker, author on software and platform business models, software ecosystems and merger automation and runs workshops on software ecosystems and merger integration.

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