Aggregator business models in the wholesale trade industry Karl PoppMarch 12, 2025aggregator, aggregators in business
Surprising and disturbing findings from academia: When to favor M&A over organic innovations digitalmandaKarl PoppMarch 11, 2025m&a, merger, portfolio, mergers, mergerautomation, innovation
Aggregator business models in the airline industry Karl PoppMarch 11, 2025aggregator, aggregators in business
Data-driven innovation strategy; the role of intellectual property Karl PoppMarch 7, 2025digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger
UPDATED: 2030: What will M&A look like? digitalmandaKarl PoppMarch 5, 2025digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, bmgen, platforms, software
What are key ingredients of a data-driven company strategy digitalmandaKarl PoppMarch 5, 2025digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, software, strategy, assumptions
Knowledge burst: Data-driven Strategies digitalmandaKarl PoppMarch 4, 2025digitalization, digitalmanda
M&A Automation: The Task of Due-Diligence of Intellectual Property Karl PoppMarch 4, 2025IP, merger, due diligence, open source due diligence, patents, trademarks
Aggregator business models in the automotive supplier industry Karl PoppMarch 4, 2025aggregator, aggregators in business
Huge M&A deals: Largest M&A Deal in January 2025 digitalmandaKarl PoppMarch 3, 2025digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, computer, processor, mergers
Aggregator business models in the dairy industry Karl PoppFebruary 25, 2025aggregator, aggregators in business
Aggregator business models in the real estate and the housing industry Karl PoppFebruary 18, 2025aggregator, aggregators in business
Joint business design freeze in merger integration: Full Spec digitalmandaKarl PoppFebruary 17, 2025digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, spec, mergerautomation
Aggregator business models in the biotech industry Karl PoppFebruary 15, 2025aggregator, aggregators in business
Aggregator business models in the manufacturing industry Karl PoppFebruary 11, 2025aggregator, aggregators in business
What is the impact of tariffs on cross-border mergers and acquisitions activity? digitalmandaKarl PoppFebruary 10, 2025digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, tariff
Aggregator business models in the transportation industry Karl PoppFebruary 4, 2025aggregator, aggregators in business
M&A by sector: five largest transportation sector deals in the last years digitalmandaKarl PoppJanuary 31, 2025digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, salesforce, microsoft, broadcom, nvidia
What is the impact of regulations on aggregator business models? digitalmandaKarl PoppJanuary 26, 2025digitalmanda, bmgen, platforms, aggregator, Uber, icsob, aggregator model, aggregator business model examples, aggregators business model, aggregators in business, ewseco
M&A failures: three examples digitalmandaKarl PoppJanuary 26, 2025digitalmanda, M&A, processes, merger, carve-out, separation, divestiture, issues, seller, fail