M&A digitization: Programming on the domain model — Dr. Karl Michael Popp

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M&A digitization: Programming on the domain model

The M&A Domain model contains tasks as well as the data objects used by such tasks. Each of the data objects can be represented in JSON notation as well as an API documentation, also in JSON notation.

A Hierarchy of tasks in different phases of M&A Processes.

The domain model contains tasks and their relationships. For each task there is an API describing the calls you can make to start, stop, restart the task. For each task there may be tools/Software out there. If you use a tool, e.g. for target screening, the API for the task Target Screening can be used to access the tool via these APIS.

A data model that standardizes data objects and their relationships

One key problem exists today in mergers and acquisition projects: the data for such projects are not standardized and thus hinder the development of analytical and machine-learning based applications. Those times are over. The domain model defines data objects and thus standardizes data in the M&A process. This enables the development of analytics and ML applications.

An API model that shows all APIs.

An easy to use platform contains the API definitions and allows access for all interested tool vendors, analytics and machine learning companies.

An open platform

The API definition is provided under an open source license to the public. So everybody has access and can leverage the APIs.

Karl Popp