M&A Automation: The Task of Due-Diligence of Intellectual Property Karl PoppMarch 4, 2025IP, merger, due diligence, open source due diligence, patents, trademarks
M&A Automation: The move from transaction to innovation platforms. digitalmandaKarl PoppJanuary 18, 2025merger, merger integration, manda, digitalmanda, strategy, due diligence, mergerautomation
Complexity of Information Technology Integration in the Context of Mergers and Acquisitions digitalmandaKarl PoppJanuary 11, 2025merger, merger integration, manda, digitalmanda, strategy, due diligence, mergerautomation
Future Vision for M&A Tools: A Unified Platform digitalmandaKarl PoppJanuary 11, 2025merger, merger integration, manda, digitalmanda, strategy, due diligence, mergerautomation
Open Source Scans During Due Diligence in Mergers and Acquisitions digitalmandaKarl PoppDecember 31, 2024AI, regulation, due diligence
AI - Importance of Analyzing the Provenance of Training Data in Due Diligence digitalmandaKarl PoppDecember 29, 2024AI, regulation, due diligence
Export control for software products how do you ensure compliance digitalmandaKarl PoppJuly 15, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, software, AI, machine learning, nlp, source code, due diligence, ai
Streamline Your Financial Due Diligence with artificial intelligence digitalmandaKarl PoppJuly 1, 2024digitalization, digitalmanda, due diligence, finance, ai, nlp
Supplier risk in the software industry: data protection and privacy digitalmandaKarl PoppJune 28, 2024digitalmanda, M&A, processes, software, source code, due diligence, ai, open source due diligence, data protection, data privacy, supply chain, risk
Augmenting data and expert knowledge to drive better decisions digitalmandaKarl PoppJune 26, 2024AI, due diligence, augmenting, expert knowledge, hybrid intelligence
Detecting source code created by AI during software due diligence digitalmandaKarl PoppJune 24, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, software, AI, machine learning, nlp, source code, due diligence, ai
How to manage the transformation during merger integration digitalmandaKarl PoppJune 19, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, merger, supply, supply chain, due diligence
The importance of enterprise architecture during mergers and acquisitions digitalmandaKarl PoppJune 11, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, merger, due diligence, transformation, architecture, enterprise architecture
Which challenges are frequent acquirers facing today? digitalmandaKarl PoppJune 6, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, merger, supply, supply chain, due diligence, merger integration
How will AI regulation influence software due diligence digitalmandaKarl PoppMay 30, 2024AI, regulation, due diligence
Tech due diligence for minority investments ten key items digitalmandaKarl PoppMay 27, 2024merger, merger integration, manda, digitalmanda, due diligence, mergerautomation
Five activities are crucial for first time company acquirers digitalmandaKarl PoppApril 11, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, merger, supply, supply chain, due diligence, merger integration
Recent developments in software due diligence digitalmandaKarl PoppApril 10, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, software, AI, machine learning, nlp, source code, due diligence, ai, open source due diligence
Mergers and acquisitions: five key tasks when integrating supply chains of the target and the buyer company digitalmandaKarl PoppMarch 25, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, merger, supply, supply chain, due diligence, merger integration
Non-invasive tools to get information about target companies digitalmandaKarl PoppFebruary 19, 2024AI, regulation, due diligence