UPDATED: 2030: What will M&A look like? digitalmandaKarl PoppMarch 5, 2025digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, bmgen, platforms, software
What are key ingredients of a data-driven company strategy digitalmandaKarl PoppMarch 5, 2025digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, software, strategy, assumptions
Google business models and revenue sources #ewseco Karl PoppNovember 7, 2024platform, isv, software, software ecosystems, software business, open source software, ewseco
The top 5 global companies with aggregator business models Karl PoppNovember 4, 2024platform, isv, software, software ecosystems, software business, open source software, ewseco
How can you foster innovation in software ecosystems - six examples Karl PoppSeptember 3, 2024platform, isv, software, software ecosystems, software business, open source software, ewseco
Plattform-Geschäftsmodelle - die Grundlagen Karl PoppAugust 6, 2024platform, isv, software, software ecosystems, software business, open source software
Current hot research topics in software ecosystems and platforms #ewseco Karl PoppAugust 6, 2024platform, isv, software, software ecosystems, software business, open source software, ewseco
Export control for software products how do you ensure compliance digitalmandaKarl PoppJuly 15, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, software, AI, machine learning, nlp, source code, due diligence, ai
Data predictions in M&A: predictions in merger integration digitalmandaKarl PoppJuly 11, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, software, modelyzr, predictive analytics
How much of mergers and acquisitions strategy work can be automated? An example. digitalmandaKarl PoppJuly 10, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, bmgen, platforms, software
Machine learning algorithms suited for company search in mergers and acquisitions digitalmandaKarl PoppJuly 10, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, software, AI, machine learning, generative, k-means, random forest, nlp, svm
Supplier risk in the software industry: data protection and privacy digitalmandaKarl PoppJune 28, 2024digitalmanda, M&A, processes, software, source code, due diligence, ai, open source due diligence, data protection, data privacy, supply chain, risk
Detecting source code created by AI during software due diligence digitalmandaKarl PoppJune 24, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, software, AI, machine learning, nlp, source code, due diligence, ai
Can you use graph encoders for mergers and acquisitions? digitalmandaKarl PoppMay 15, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, software, strategy, assumptions
Graph encoders and their application on knowledge graphs digitalmandaKarl PoppMay 14, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, software, knowledge graphs, graph encoder, AI, KI
What are graph encoders? digitalmandaKarl PoppMay 13, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, software, knowledge graphs, graph encoder, AI, KI
Recent developments in software due diligence digitalmandaKarl PoppApril 10, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, software, AI, machine learning, nlp, source code, due diligence, ai, open source due diligence
What comes next after the generative AI hype digitalmandaKarl PoppMarch 11, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, software, AI, machine learning, chatgpt, generative
How can we use patents to determine future success of target companies during mergers and acquisitions digitalmandaKarl PoppFebruary 9, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, software, patents, predictive analytics
Disrupting corporate development using artificial intelligence for revenue forecasting digitalmandaKarl PoppFebruary 5, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, software, assumptions, revenue, predictive analytics