Books and papers — Dr. Karl Michael Popp

NEW BOOK about all types of inbound relationships of software vendors and M&A


M&A, Business Models, platforms and ecosystems in the software industry


Papers and Publications

Here is a history of Dr. Popp´s publications and papers.


Karl Michael Popp, Automation of mergers and Acquisitions: Due Diligence Tasks and Automation, BOD, 2020.

Popp, K.M. (2013). Mergers and Acquisitions in the software industry: Foundations of due diligence. book. Norderstedt: Books on demand.

Michael Cusumano, Slinger Jansen, Karl Michael Popp (eds.), IEEE Software special issue on Managing Software Platforms and Ecosystems, 2019.

Karl Michael Popp, Software Industry Business Models, IEEE Software, vol.28, no.4, pp.26-30.

Karl Michael Popp et al. (ed.), Best practices for commercial use of open source software. Second, updated and extended edition. Books on demand, 2019, ISBN 9783750403093.

Karl Michael Popp, Ralf Meyer, Profit from Software Ecosystems , Books on demand, 2010.

To be published

Karl Michael Popp, Best Practices für die kommerzielle Nutzung von Open-Source-Software. Geschäftsmodelle, Prozesse und Tools zur Nutzung und zum Management von Open-Source-Software, to be published 2020.


Karl Michael Popp, Supplier Relationships and Mergers & Acquisitions in the Software Industry - A Student Primer, BOD, Norderstedt, 2024.


Karl Michael Popp, A Business model framework for open-source software companies. In: Monaco, F.J., Business Models and Strategies for Open Source Projects, Hershey, 2023.

Karl Michael Popp, M&A strategy Definition: Theory, Tasks and Automatability, BOD, 2023.


Karl Michael Popp, Automation of mergers and Acquisitions: Due Diligence Tasks and Automation, BOD, 2020.

Karl Michael Popp, Digitalisierung von Mergers und Acquisitions: Die Due-Diligence-Phase - Aufgaben und Automatisierbarkeit, BOD, in print, 2020.

Becker, Dabrowska, Popp, Schmid, Herausforderungen bei der Planung und Umsetzung der Digitalisierung bei Mergers und Acquisitions, M&A Review, September 2020.


Synomic (ed.), Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung und neuer Technologien auf das Geschäftsmodell der Versicherungsbranche: Risiken und Chancen, Books on demand, 2019.

Karl Michael Popp (ed.), Best practices for commercial use of open source software. Second, updated and extended edition. Books on demand, 2019, ISBN 9783750403093.

Michael Cusumano, Slinger Jansen, Karl Michael Popp (eds.), IEEE Software special issue on Managing Software Platforms and Ecosystems, 36 (3).

Michael Cusumano, Slinger Jansen, Karl Michael Popp, Managing Software Platforms and Ecosystems. IEEE Softw. 36(3): 17-21 (2019)

Peter Buxmann, Thomas Aidan Curran, Gerald Eichler, Slinger Jansen, Thomas Kude, Karl Michael Popp (eds.): European workshop on software ecosystems 2018, Books on demand.


Thorsten Feix, Karl Michael Popp, Die Digitalisierung von M&A-Prozessen: Ein Manifesto für ein digitales End-to-End-M&A-Prozessmodell. M&A REVIEW 9/2018.

Karl Michael Popp, Fusionen und Übernahmen in der Software-Industrie: Methodische Grundlagen der Due Diligence von Mergers und Akquisitionen. Books on demand, 2018.

Dominik Dellermann, Karl Michael Popp et al, Finding the Unicorn: Predicting Early Stage Startup Success through a Hybrid Intelligence Method. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2017.

Peter Buxmann, Thomas Aidan Curran, Gerald Eichler, Slinger Jansen, Thomas Kude, Karl Michael Popp (eds.): European workshop on software ecosystems 2017, Books on demand.


Peter Buxmann, Thomas Aidan Curran, Gerald Eichler, Slinger Jansen, Thomas Kude, Karl Michael Popp (eds.): European workshop on software ecosystems 2016, Books on demand.

Hartmut Hoehle, Thomas Kude, Sid Huff, Karl Michael Popp, Development and validation of a service-channel fit conceptualization and instrument, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 59(2) 2017, pp 97-110.

Jamie Dowie, Stefan Henningsson, Thomas Kude, Karl Michael Popp, Merging Platform Ecosystems In Technology Acquisitions: A Governance Perspective, ECIS, 2017.


Peter Buxmann, Thomas Aidan Curran, Gerald Eichler, Slinger Jansen, Thomas Kude, Karl Michael Popp (eds.): European workshop on software ecosystems 2015. Books on demand.

ISPMA: Glossary for Strategy of software companies (co-authorship), 2016.

Stefan Henningson, Thomas Kude, Karl Michael Popp, Managing the Technology Acquisition Integration Paradox at SAP, International conference on information systems ICIS, 2016.

Dellermann, D., Popp, K.M., Complementor´s Risk of Innovation in Digital Ecosystems: A Grounded Theory Approach, to be published.

Dellermann, D., Jud, C., Popp, K.M., Why don´t they join? Analyzing the Nature and Consequences of Complementors´ Costs in Platform Ecosystems, International conference on information systems ICIS, 2016.


Peter Buxmann, Thomas Aidan Curran, Slinger Jansen, Thomas Kude, Karl Michael Popp (eds.): European workshop on software ecosystems 2014, Books on demand, 2015.

Karl Michael Popp et al. (ed.), Best practices for commercial use of open source software. book. 2015. ISBN 3738619096.


International Software Product Management Association, Syllabus on strategic management. Chapter on Product analysis, 2014.

International Software Product Management Association, Syllabus on excellence in product strategy. Chapter on Business Models, 2014.

Peter Buxmann, Slinger Jansen, Thomas Kude, Karl Michael Popp (eds.): Second European workshop on software ecosystems, ISBN 9783735785015, Books on demand, 2014.

Jasper Schenkhuizen, Robert van Langerak, Slinger Jansen and Karl Michael Popp, Defining the Process of Acquiring Product Software Firms, in: Software Business. Towards Continuous Value Delivery: 5th International Conference, ICSOB 2014, Paphos, Cyprus, June 16-18, 2014, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing), pp. 100-114.


Peter Buxmann, Slinger Jansen, Thomas Kude, Karl Michael Popp, Martin Przewloka (eds.): First European workshop on software ecosystems, ISBN 9783848223145, Books on demand, 2013. BUY HERE

Karl Michael Popp, Due diligence of software companies - A holistic, systematic approach for sustainable growth through mergers and acquisitions in the software industry. book. ISBN 9783848221998 more info here.

Karl Michael Popp, Business model patterns in the software industry. submitted to Digitization in Business Models and Entrepreneurship workshop at ECIS 2013.

Joey van Angeren, Jaap Kabbedijk, Karl Michael Popp, Managing Software Ecosystems through Partnering. In: Sjaak Brinkkemper, Michael Cusumano, Slinger Jansen, Software Ecosystems, Edgar Elgar publishing, 2013.

Sebastian Schütz, Thomas Kude, Karl Michael Popp, The Impact of Software-as-a-Service on Partner Management. In: Herzwurm, Margaria (eds.): Software Business. From Physical Products to Software Services and Solutions: 4th International Conference, ICSOB 2013, Potsdam, Germany, June 11-14.

Joachim Henkel, Josef Waltl, Karl Michael Popp, IP Requirements in Platform Architecture – Evidence of IP Modularity from SAP and SugarCRM, accepted at ICSOB 2013.


Waltl, Henkel, Popp, Managing Software Ecosystems with platform architectures, article, submitted to IEEE Software.

Karl Michael Popp, Leveraging open source licenses and open source communities in hybrid commercial open source business models (accepted  and presented paper to IWSECO 2012).

Karl Michael Popp, How to build commercial open source business models, Video lesson, Udemy, 2012.


Karl Michael Popp, Profit from Software Ecosystems: Student Workbook , first edition, Books on demand, 2011.

Karl Michael Popp (ed.), Advances in Software business: a reader. Books On Demand, 2011, ISBN-13: 978-3844804058ISBN-13: 978-3844804058

[Po11a] Karl Michael Popp, Software Industry Business Models, IEEE Software, vol.28, no.4, pp.26-30.

[Po11b] Hybrid revenue models of software companies and their relationship to hybrid business models, Proceedings of the International Workshop on software ecosystems, Brussels, 2011.

[Bux+11] Peter Buxmann, Slinger Jansen, Karl Michael Popp, The Sun also Sets: Ending the Life of a Software Product, in: Björn Regnell , Inge van de Weerd , Olga De Troyer, Software Business: Second International Conference, ICSOB 2011, Brussels, Belgium, June 8-10, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing), 154-167.

[Sli+11] Joey van Angeren, Slinger Jansen, Jaap Kabbedijk, Karl Michael Popp, A survey of associate models used within large Software Ecosystems, Proceedings of the International Workshop on software ecosystems, Brussels, 2011.


[Bux+10] Peter Buxmann, Slinger Jansen, Karl Michael Popp, The Sun also Sets: Ending the Life of a Software Product, submitted to IEEE Software, issue on Software Business.

[Popp2010] Karl Michael Popp, Business models of large software companies, submitted to IEEE Software, issue on Software Business.

[Popp10a] Karl Michael Popp, Goals of software vendors for partner ecosystems – a practitioner´s view, published paper. In: Software Business: First International Conference, ICSOB 2010, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 21-23, 2010, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing) .

[Popp10b] Karl Michael Popp, Definition of supplier relationships in software ecosystems as a basis for future research , DOWNLOAD HERE.

[PoMe10] Karl Michael Popp, Ralf Meyer, Profit from Software Ecosystems , Books on demand, 2010.


[Popp09a] Karl Michael Popp, Kopplung von Geschäftsprozessmodellen und Anwendungssystemmodellen, Band 1: Problemstellung und Grundlagen, Norderstedt, 2009.

[Popp09b] Karl Michael Popp, Kopplung von Geschäftsprozessmodellen und Anwendungssystemmodellen, Band 2: Abgrenzung und Ableitung des Anwendungssystemmodells, Norderstedt, 2009.


[HoPo06a] Hovestadt, P., Popp, K.: Standardized identity management in heterogeneous system environments. In SAP Info, Heft 135, 2006 (submitted).

[HoPo06d] Hovestadt, P., Popp, K.: Assigning access privileges centrally. In SAP Info, Heft 136, 2006, S. 28 – 29..


[PuPoDe05b] Puschke, C., Popp, K., De Heus, A.: Flexibility in Job Scheduling. In: SAP Info, Issue 128, 2005, S. 88-89.

[MePo05] Meinhardt, S., Popp, K.: Configuring Business Processes to Implement Standard Business Application Systems. In: International Handbook of Information Systems, 2nd ed., Berlin, 2005, 651 - 666.


[BrPo01] Branitzky, A.; Popp, K.: SAP Portals launches new Technology Partners Program. SAP Info, Heft 87, 2001.


[MePo98] Meinhardt, S., Popp, K.: Configuring Business Processes to Implement Standard Business Application Systems. In: International Handbook of Information Systems, Berlin, 1998, 651 - 666.


[KePo96b] Keller G., Popp K.: Geschäftsprozeßgestaltung - Modellierung oder Konfiguration? Neue Epoche der Softwarekonfiguration. In: SAPinfo Thema - Continuous Business Engineering, März 1996, 12-18.


[Popp94] Popp, K.: Spezifikation der fachlichen Klassen-Beziehungs-Struktur objektorientierter Anwendungssysteme auf der Grundlage von Modellen der betrieblichen Diskurswelt, PhD. Dissertation, Universität Bamberg, 1994.