Updated: #mergerautomation: Imagine you can easily review existing tools to automate M&A. Now with several examples — Dr. Karl Michael Popp

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Updated: #mergerautomation: Imagine you can easily review existing tools to automate M&A. Now with several examples

Everybody feels the pressure to digitize. How can you best handle it when you are responsible for the M&A process? Say, you would like to get information which tools are available to automate this task. You could start searching, find some tool vendors, look at a few in more details by coordinating meetings. A tedious process.

Domain model can help

I am working on a domain model, which will be available in an online tool, that does two things: first, define all tasks in the M&A process. Second, it allows to map existing tools to this model, showing which tools are available for which tasks.

What would it look like?

Let us have a look at an example. In the early phase of the M&A process there is a task called pipelining. You want to automate it. This task aims at providing a long list of potential targets and ways to select a subset of targets resulting in a shortlist. So, how would the information about a tool look like? See the information below on a single tool that partially automates this task.

Tool/Service: EY Embryonic
Provider: EY
USP: EY has licensed all expensive databases like CapIQ, CBInsights, ThomsonReuters and has an impressive user experience.
EY Embryonic is offered as a consulting service. 

Great information right? This is just a snippet of the available information. The plan is to list several tools to enable you to select the right tooling to digitize the M&A process.

Here is an example for the tasks Embedded M&A Strategy and Finding potential targets, which are described in detail in my new book. Each of the tasks has several tools assigned which are listed below the task name.

Stay tuned for more news about the domain model and its many uses. Like what you read? Click on one of the topics or buy one of my recommended books below.